Content & Creative
Millennials & Money Curriculum

Curriculum to engage the next generation of clients
Impax World is an investment management firm that has successfully integrated environmental, social, and corporate governance factors into its investment analysis and decision making process. However, many of their clients and partners struggle to understand how shifting demographic trends will affect the future of financial advice and what they can do to address these challenges today.
We developed a comprehensive curriculum and supporting materials for Impax representatives to share with potential investors and other members of the wealth management community. The curriculum encourages the audience to reimagine the wealth advisory business and provides a series of tangible suggestions for financial advisors on how to reach, retain, and communicate with young investors.

What We Did
Curriculum development
Developed and designed a comprehensive curriculum for the Impax World Management team to share with existing and potential clients as a value-added service. The curriculum is designed to be accessible and engaging for a broad audience and includes a set of supporting materials such as our Best Practices Guide and promotional flyers.
Conducted a training webinar with the Impax World Management team to adequately prepare the facilitators and provide them with relevant talking points in anticipation of the curriculum roll out.
Trend Reports & Infographics
Designed a series of visual graphics as part of the curriculum to translate data and information into compelling insights and stories for the audience.